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Playground installation services

We call on our extensive network and years of experience so your playground can be safely installed in just days.

Northview Mackay 1
Mt Isa toddler playground

Professional installation network

Our installation teams are fully trained and licensed, ensuring the highest quality of workmanship and professionalism. A large proportion of our play equipment can be installed in a matter of days, causing minimum disruption to other contractors.

Installation instructions

Planning on using your own contractors? No problem. Simply download our detailed installation instructions.

PDF Lofts
PDF Elevate
PDF Summit
PDF Orbit


PDF Motion
PDF Static
PDF Swings
Titania Park


Safety certification

Our installation team performs strict compliance tests, so you can feel confident your play equipment meets the highest possible safety standards. We will provide certification that all manufactured equipment and surfacing meet current Australian Standards and relevant departmental guidelines.

Shore Prep School
Timber Playground

Ongoing support

We can provide inspections and maintenance, ensuring years of safe and happy play. If you ever need help with installation, parts or repairs, we’re just a phone call away.

Speak to the professionals in play

Blue Summit ForPark Playground