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MacGregor State School

ForPark For schools and early childhood

Using a mix of nature play equipment and a more traditional nature-inspired playground structure, the intent behind this school playground was to include a wide range of ‘zones’ with different play intents.

a yellow slide at the back of a red truck structure


Using a mix of nature play equipment and a more traditional nature-inspired playground structure, the intent behind this school playground was to include a wide range of ‘zones’ with different play intents.

wooden teepee in a sandpit


Balancing equipment and maze games create low-level balance play, while a large ironbark teepee forms the basis of imaginary games, group discussions or quiet time in the calmer role play zone. Things get more physical with sliding, racing, climbing and hanging equipment in the active zone, which sits alongside interactive play features such as funhouse mirrors, low and high runners, game panels, shop games and cubby spaces. Mirrors, spinners and tactile turning leaves form an elevated transitional play zone, while a contemplative zone gives kids a quiet spot to stop and reflect, to rest from play and observe while still feeling included.

a row of diagonal wooden poles


This playground features our nature play brand, Natura. All Natura play elements are made to order. They are hand-finished original pieces, with no mass production. We use sustainably-sourced natural logs, typically ironbark, which are de-barked, sanded, radiused and oiled, then finished with bitumen-sealed footings. Explore the range here.

a group of wooden poles arranged in a spiral pattern a red truck structure in a sand pit